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Privacy information, regulation, principles

The operator of hereby informs the visitors of the Webpage (hereinafter called „Webpage”) about the practice followed during handling personal data, organizational and technical measures taken to protect data and about relevant rights of the visitors and their assertion possibilities.

Should the Operator ask for personal data from the visitor of the webpage (hereinafter called „User”) for any purpose the following dispositions are applicable.

The present Privacy Declaration – by using the Operator’s webpage – includes essential information regarding the handling, processing and register of the User’s possibly given personal data.

Should you have any kind of question concerning the handling of your data before using the webpage please contact our customer service department.

The Data Protection Declaration can be modified at any time, the User is obliged to check the webpage time to time, it is important to inform him about the possible changes. The Data Protection Declaration took effect from March 1st 2010. The Operator is responsible for the handling of your personal data given on the webpage.

Data request and cookies

For using the webpage the User generally does not need to give any data. For using certain services, it can be necessary to put some definite personal data at the Operator’s disposal.

Depending on the service, the Operator can need the following personal data:

  • name and availability, including mail address, address and data regarding his/her company;
  • information regarding the personal and professional interest;
  • experience related to our products and availability preferences in order to give more information about our products and services.
  • Cookies can store information about the parameters of your device using browser, about its browser and about your possible settings, former visits in order to give you a better user experience.

The webpage can place cookies on the User’s device using the browser if you expressly authorize it at the first entry on the webpage. It is important that these cookies are not placed at the Operator’s but on the User’s own device using the browser so it is the User who disposes it entirely.

1. Sphere of managed data

During the visit of the webpage, with use of cookies placed on the User’s device, the User’s visiting starting and terminating time, IP address can automatically be recorded, and in some cases – depending on the settings of the User’s computer – the type, language of the browser and operation system, the parameters of the User’s device, the User’s settings on the webpage, the visited subpages and the time there.

The Operator does not and can not connect these data with personal data. About sharing you decide with a definite authorization given to us and with cookies settings in your browser.

The divers data management for the usage of the webpage as well is performed on the basis of the voluntary approval of the user.

The Operator asks „minor” – according to the determination of local laws – not to enter into legal transactions (buying or other deal) without permission of parents or legal representative.

2. Objective of data management

The objective of data management is to provide permanent relation between the registered Users using the services of the webpage and the Operator, to improve user’s experience as well as to survey public opinion.

Using cookies the system automatically generates statistical data about the visit period, visited sites in order to improve, optimate the services of the Webpage by the Operator and to adjust the demands to the User.

The Operator uses cookies in order to give to the User at his next visit the content in harmony with the User’s former activity, to load up automatically its own settings for a more comfortable use of the webpage.

The divers data given by the User are exclusively used and handled to provide a higher service quality for the User especially at the following fields:

  • for responding to the questions on the webpage;
  • for sending our newsletters;
  • for an intern register;
  • for improving the content of the webpage;
  • for information on updating the webpage
  • for customizing the content of the webpage
  • and to get the ordered brochures on our webpage to the Users.

The Operator can contact the User by mail, phone, fax or letter except if one of them was indicated as preference. The Operator does not use the personal data for other purpose as indicated. The handling of given data occurs with the User’s voluntary contribution.

All the data and fact related to Users are handled confidentially by, they are exclusively used for the development of its services and preparation of own statistics. The publication of statements prepared on the basis can be done only in a way which does not permit the individual identification of each User.

Without your contribution your personal data can not be forwarded, published, sold, leased and made accessible to a third part, only if it is necessary because of the objectives in this Data Protection Declaration or stated by law.

In case the User gave his personal data in order to get information by mail about the Operator’s services, he will continue to get it by mail if only he asks expressly the opposite of it. In other case, when he gives his personal data to the Operator, he has the possibility to choose if he wants to receive these type of information per mail as well.

3. Duration of data management

The session IDs are automatically deleted when leaving the webpage. The other part of cookies help the Operator; using them he must be aware of the User’s former settings, with the given data, information, caracteristics of the webpage usage to avoid giving them once again at the next visit and his settings automatically load up for a more pleasant user experience. deleted.

The expiry time of these cookies is changing, but typically they are present on the User’s device till they are The Operator does not assume any responsibility for any previous webpage which had been already deleted, but archived with the help of Internet searching programs. The elimination of them should be ensured by the operator of the searching site.

4. Persons having authorization to access to data, data processors

The employees of the data manager can have access to the personal data given by the Users.

The data manager cannot submit personal data to third persons except for those indicated. This does not refer to possible data submissions specified by law which could occur only in exceptional cases. Before fulfilling each request of the authorities, the data manager examines with respect to each data if the legal basis for forwarding the data really exists.

5. Rights of users related to personal data handling, data deletion

The legal basis of data management is the voluntary approval of the users. The users can ask for information on the handling of their personal data. The data manager gives information on request to the people concerned on the data handled by him, the objective of data management, the legal basis, period, the name, address (headquarters: 1033 Budapest, Szőlőkert u. 5.) of data processor, on his activity related to data management, as well as on who is receiving or has received the data and for which purpose. Information can be requested at the postal address of the data manager (headquarters: 1033 Budapest, Szőlőkert u. 5.), and at the following e-mail address

The user can ask for the correction and deletion of his personal data at the same contact addresses.

In case of non-conforming usage of the services of the webpage, or on the own request of the user, we delete the belonging data.

Deletion is performed within 24 hours following the next working day calculated from the reception of the demand for deletion.

The Operator put stress on the security of your personal data. In order to prevent the illegal access to personal data, we apply an adequate physical, electronic procedure for the protection and security of the online incoming data.

In case you would like to modify the cookies settings related to the webpage or you want to delete them, you can perform it – as the cookies are stored on the user’s computer and not on the Operator’s webpage – at the browser’s settings used for reaching the webpage. You can get further information about them in the own Help of your browser and with its help you can modify previous cookies settings or you can delete cookies placed previously by the data manager on your device using the browser.

6. Data protection measures

Our company stores personal data on the servers of Web Hosting Ltd. (székhely: 1116 Bp Talpas u. 3., telephely: 1116, Budapest, Talpas u. 3. which are guarded personally during 24 hours and can be found on the Hungarian Internet main line network.

7. Possibilities for assertion of rights

The user who feels that the owner of has violated his rights for the protection of personal data, can validate his claim at civil court or can also ask for the help of the data protection commissioner (National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information). The detailed legal regulations related to this and to the obligations of data manager are included in Law No. CXII./2011 on the protection of personal data and the publicity of public-benefit data.

For the establishment of Data Protection Declaration we have taken as a basis the Law No. CXII./2011 on the right to self-determination and freedom of information and the Law No. VI./1998. on the protection of individuals during machine processing of personal data.

8. Information on dangers threatening privacy

We would like to draw your attention that your opinion presented at the webpage is personal data, from which your special data, origin, political point of view can be also revealed. These data can be accessed by anybody.

We propose you to use PET technology (Privacy Enhancing Technology) in order to protect your personal data. You can find relevant information at several websites.

9. Important webpages

Privacy Enhancing Technology

Data protection information>
