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The secret of Weicon repair sticks
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The secret of Weicon repair sticksMaintenanceNewsWeicon

The secret of Weicon repair sticks

WEICON repair sticks (also known as epoxy repair sticks) are high quality, easy-to-use industrial products…
Simatool – the solution for bearing mounting
simatool simatec bearing handling tool bht
Simatool – the solution for bearing mountingMaintenanceNews

Simatool – the solution for bearing mounting

Simatec offers a complete solution for maintenance tasks. Simatool's bearing installation tools simplify and speed…
Homemade sliding gate from a few thousand forints
uszokapu bex greencottage diy
Homemade sliding gate from a few thousand forintsbearingNews

Homemade sliding gate from a few thousand forints

We provided the bearings and the GreenCottage DIY team created the homemade sliding gate! The…
Current Insulating bearings from Schaeffler
current isolating bearings schaeffler
Current Insulating bearings from SchaefflerbearingNews

Current Insulating bearings from Schaeffler

Conventional bearings are significantly damaged by electricity. This can lead to unexpected equipment failure or…
A new brand has been added to our range!
BBC-R bex
A new brand has been added to our range!bearingNews

A new brand has been added to our range!

From September 2024 we became the official representative of Baltic Bearing Company Riga (BBC-R) in…